Indoor Area Rugs

Indoor Area Rugs

Area rugs for sale - Choose a solid color or patterned area rug for your home!

Rug Street indoor area rugs bring warmth and contemporary styling to any room in your home.

  • Made of high quality olefin material with a skid resistant backing, our solid color area rugs are sold in a wide variety of colors, shapes and sizes, or can be custom cut and finished to your specification.
  • We have a variety of designs, styles and patterns of area rugs to choose from to help you enhance a living room, bedroom, family fact any room in your home.

Call Rug Street today at 844.785.6773 or use our contact form - we'll be happy to answer any questions about our range of indoor area rugs.

Indoor Area Rugs - various colors

Indoor Area Rugs - various colors

Starting at $19.00